New value models, sustainability strategies, and DEI.

La Poste and Eranos Help Businesses Take Care or People's Attention

The role of communication for a brand or company is to enhance visibility, build a reputation, and foster customer loyalty. A brand's value is closely tied to the attention it garners from its audiences. However, with the digital age bringing about an overproduction of informational and promotional content, and with audiences experiencing sensory overload, we are now facing an attention crisis. This crisis poses a significant risk to traditional communication strategies: in a saturated landscape, increased investments are failing to yield proportionate results.

The content of this article is accessible in french.
Michaël V. Dandrieux
If you would like to learn how we can also support you, please feel free to contact Michaël V. Dandrieux (Co-founder).
The rare resource of the 21st century will not be technology; it will be attention.
Mark Weiser, CTO de Xerox, père de l’informatique ubiquitaire, 1996


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