
Type 2 Growth. Shifting from scale- and optimization-based growth to development driven by transformation and boldness.

The growth potential as we have known it is running out. Resource scarcity and ecosystem fragility no longer allow for growth simply by producing more at a larger scale (Type 1 Growth). Our ambition is to open new paths for business development and value creation that align with planetary boundaries, social balance, and the need to repair the world (Type 2 Growth).

Business models


Do more by scaling up and minimizing costs.


Invent new ways to create value by providing profitable solutions to people’s and the planet’s challenges.



Introduce variations on existing models or enhance system efficiency.


Reimagine relationships between humans and their ecosystems to foster unexpected interactions and connections.



Increase volumes and improve the performance of tools and actions.


Enhancing production by transforming relationships with stakeholders.



Standardize, optimize, and accelerate processes and interactions.


Fostering cultures and practices that redefine human potential—antidotes to bureaucracy.


Stakeholder Economy. Business development that serves everyone, and is therefore driven by everyone.

Companies are powerful drivers of change. Multipliers of human ingenuity. Its products and services can provide profitable solutions to the challenges of individuals and the planet. We remove barriers to change by aligning the interests of all those who contribute to its success. Employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders, and local communities engage in the company's success because the more it thrives, the more everyone benefits.

Our value creation system is under pressure.

  • Value is created by a number of essential stakeholders—the company is one of them.
  • As obligations accumulate towards the others (disengaged collaborators or degraded nature), value is increasingly harder to generate.
  • To suceed in this new socio-environemental deal, companies must find profitable solutions to our collective challenges, and restore relationships among all stakeholders.


Transformation through culture. A deep, lasting, and powerful action.

Many transformations fail because they provide answers to questions no one has asked. The transformed organization reverts to its original shape, and behaviors and habits return. Our focus is on the most powerful lever of change: corporate culture. A transformation driven by culture takes root deeply because it aligns with the lived reality of employees.

Understanding cultural dynamics

Every transformation begins with an analysis. Culture is built on three elements: representations, behaviors, and context, which reinforce each other and form patterns. Changing one without adjusting the others, and the transformed company "snaps back" to its original form.

Becoming aware of patterns

The second step is to help teams recognize their patterns and distinguish those that support the strategy from those that hinder it. By making these habits visible, employees gain a better understanding of what needs to evolve to address technical, social, and environmental challenges. This awareness triggers change.

Aligning context and behaviors to anchor change

To sustainably embed new behaviors, the environment must be adapted and stakeholders must be empowered. Rules, processes, tools, and rewards must reflect strategic decisions, just as individual behaviors must adapt to situations, to avoid contradictory directives. The goal: to anchor appropriate collective practices and make culture a lever for performance.

...and therefore, culture is determining strategy.
— Edgar Schein, MIT Sloan School of Management


Humanities. To solve complex problems in complex organizations in a complex world.

Our approach, grounded in the humanities (sociology, anthropology, practical philosophy, and foresight), provides a clear-eyed perspective on organizational dynamics, power plays, and implicit expectations that hinder transformation, while also offering attentive listening and consideration to the stories of all employees.

We explain why you should use the humanities in your company in this 12-minute TEDx talk.


Let us take you on a path towards new models of prosperity.

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