In practical terms, what does it mean for a company to "transition"?

What Transition Studies Teach Us

Global temperature change. Scénarios d’évolution des concentrations (RCP) projetés par le GIEC, 1850-2200, si la pollution carbone se poursuit à l’identique jusqu’en 2100 / si les émissions culminent dans les 10 prochaines années et commencent à diminuer. Alexander Radtke
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Eranos is a strategy consultancy established in 2005, specializing in transformation through culture. We leverage social sciences to help organizations prepare for cultural and strategic shifts, design value-based strategies and engage their stakeholders in achieving these goals.

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Ecology compels us to take seriously the needs of all the beings around us and to understand how deeply we are connected to them, not always sentimentally but through "cosmopolitical" ties.
Dominique Boullier, Sociologue