In practical terms, what does it mean for a company to "transition"?

What Transition Studies Teach Us

Global temperature change. Scénarios d’évolution des concentrations (RCP) projetés par le GIEC, 1850-2200, si la pollution carbone se poursuit à l’identique jusqu’en 2100 / si les émissions culminent dans les 10 prochaines années et commencent à diminuer. Alexander Radtke
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Eranos is a strategy consultancy established in 2005, specializing in transformation through culture. We leverage social sciences to help organizations prepare for cultural and strategic shifts, design value-based strategies and engage their stakeholders in achieving these goals.

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Always act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, not merely as a means, but always also as an end in itself.
Immanuel Kant Philosophe